
You don’t really think MRAs have thought this out that far, have you?

It puts them all on the same level so that the virgins won’t realize how awful these dudes are at the sex thing.

I don’t think they are. These assholes are going for some cold-blooded shit.

Because the pregnancy is either unviable or would harm the health of the woman.

I think the Democrats pulled some shit when Reagan was in office in shutting down the government when they didn’t get their way. But it wasn’t over something like abortion, which is an interesting item for the GOP to be obsessed with, what with their cries of “smaller government!” all the damn time.

Or to really bring the point home, they sure as shit don’t care about the pain and suffering military members go through by being sent to bullshit wars.

Rubio’s still full of shit about what Planned Parenthood does.

Oh yes, obviously the Kenyan muslim has been behind the corporate buyout of the US government, because none of it was happening at all until he came into office.

If that were the case, then why would they ignore the Council of Bishops’ ruling until just last November? Either way, this whole mess is total bullshit on the part of both the hospital and that council of dudes who don’t have to face the everyday decisions of reproduction.

If I wanted high humidity and to generally be miserable, I’d move to Florida. I did NOT sign up for this weather in California!

If we’re going to have leftover hurricane weather, THE LEAST IT COULD DO IS FUCKING RAIN. Fuuuuuuuuck this drought.

If she actually wanted to convey information, would she be able to do so?! I don’t think her mind is clear enough to work that way.

NEWSFLASH: rich white people in Los Angeles can be totally insufferable. NEWS AT 10.

You assume they know the meanings of the words spilling out of their mouths.

Are you channeling Palin, or ARE YOU ACTUALLY PALIN?!

There’s quite a bit of varying levels of misogyny in motorcycling, not just in the Harley world. Sure, it’s not on a level as police brutality, etc. but there’s definitely been a few instances where I’d ask myself, “What goddam year is it again?!” when confronted with it. Finding other women riders to commiserate on

FWIW, when my husband decided to get a motorcycle and talked me in to learning how to ride, he refused to teach me anything other than where the clutch, throttle, and brakes were. He insisted we both take the MSF course.

Don’t know what “1% town” you live in, but the 1%’ers in the general LA area don’t have their ladies ride their own bikes. You may live in an especially enlightened area...if so, enjoy it because it’s not the norm!

Splitting lanes is the only sane way to get through traffic in Los Angeles.

None of what you said erases the fact that Palin is still a hypocritical asshole, and you defending her doesn’t change that at all.