AUGH, the mental picture!!!!!!
AUGH, the mental picture!!!!!!
A HYPOCRITICAL single mother. Very important to not forget that if she walked the walk and not just talked the talk, she wouldn’t have been a single mother twice over to begin with and wouldn’t have been shaming other girls and women for the same behavior she herself thinks she’s exempt from criticism.
Again, late-term abortion regulations are a red herring. They’re already regulated like crazy. Just because the forced-birth crowd doesn’t know the law about it doesn’t automatically mean more laws and regulations about it should be passed.
Welcome to the GOP mindset!
No, but she was a paid abstinence spokesperson who couldn’t manage to stay abstinent even though she got paid to do so. In other words, she’s a fucking hypocrite and gets all the deserved shit for talking about of both sides of her face.
Really? I think “Brutal Bitch” (O NOES. A woman isn’t being all meek and ladylike! What a bitch!) is what the forced-birth crowd needs to deal with more, since alleged pro-choicers have let them set the tone for the conversation about abortion and women’s reproductive health care for far too long.
Notice that no one from Planned Parenthood has been brought up on criminal charges, and since they’re not all Wall St. bankers, what they’re doing apparently isn’t illegal. There are anecdotes of women supposedly being “talked into” having an abortion, but there’s also anecdotes of women being talked into keeping a…
Ah, the classic Beyonsleigh-ride.
Between the defense budget and corporate welfare, it’s amazing there’s any money left for anything else.
Replace “small” with “liberal” and their heads would explode. Waaaaaait a minute...
Because the fetus fetishists are screaming about BAYYYYYBEEEEEEES getting their skulls crushed and organs harvested and ZOMG WHAT A TRAGEDY!!!!
We all know the answer to that, don’t we? Forced-birthers don’t care about life, or quality of life. They consider women having pleasure from sex immoral, and want to punish them accordingly.
Caring more about potential humans than the ones already here is weird and intrusive. Why not obsess over saving kids who are being abused, neglected, raped, starved, etc. instead of fetuses? The lack of cuteness?
I wonder if that’s true!
Run with it. Hilarious typo!
I’ve always wondered about that brand, too! I hope you get a response from someone who’s tried it!
Looking at old movies makes one realize how much the lip line, especially the upper lip, gets exaggerated on many actresses.
I’ve had problems depending on the lipstick. Revlon used to make a clear lip liner, which is a generally cheaper-yet-works-just-as-well option as anything Sephora has!
You mean...they’re acting like POLITICIANS? Quelle horreur!