
Why is this more horrific than any other organ donation? It’s not like women are having abortions JUST to donate the tissue to science.

Fair enough, thanks for the clarification.

It can be argued that the dipshits who think vaccines are harmful and are arguing “choice” are turning around and harming those who are too young or have immunity problems and therefore they have no choice in getting preventable diseases. So no, not quite the same thing.

Also, you really think the medical community who

Tiegen was a better model than a spokesperson or tv “personality”, mainly because she’s lacking in personable personality.

This is my confusion. If the certificate is about genetic records of where the kid came from, then biological mom and dad should be listed. If the certificate is a vital record of record, then put whomever is going to be the parent(s) of the child. But calling it a birth certificate when the biological parents aren’t

Yep, yep, aaaaaaaaand yep.

I was so, so happy with Comedy Central for having a Key & Peele marathon recently. They have some clever skits.

Now playing

Anyone who is shocked and/or surprised that Fowley was a rapist and all-around creepazoid really needs to watch Edgeplay. What happened to Fox was alluded to by Cherie Currie in the documentary. Unfortunately this isn’t new information:

But Bingenheimer was a close friend of Fowley’s. He may not have raped girls like Fowley did, but he was there and most surely knew about Fowley’s behavior. I have no respect for either of them.

Isn’t the whole point of activism saying “Fuck this shit” in terms of the status quo? If activism didn’t exist, the world would be a very different, and very bad place.

You with your knowledge and logic have absolutely no place in this discussion about this topic! People might stop fetishizing potential people if that happens!

Considering that Florida’s humidity will suck the life out of everything, that’s understandable. But yes, they can learn something from Sanders!

Anyone who bothers to listen to Sanders would not dismiss him as tired. Old? Sure. But he’s got more enthusiasm than most people half his age. And he’s still sharp intellectually.

Bite this: if you actually gave a shit about kids, you’d be busy trying to save the ones already here and suffering. But you’re not, you’re obsessed with the uterii of women you don’t know and don’t care about. Freak.

Who’s mad? For someone who claims to not give a shit about this story, you’re leaving quite the trail of it in your wake.

The irony of your speculating about this girl’s potential future illegal activities is fascinating.

I know where the money comes from, but the point is unless the police keep getting sued when they do ignore people’s rights, even for cases that you personally think are bullshit, then things will only continue to get

She “interfered” by saying that her friends don’t have to show their ID, as is their right. She wasn’t using the fake ID, so no, she wasn’t sanctioned for that. Just because she has an ally doesn’t mean that she shouldn’t take advantage of that and take the cops to task for their bullshittery.

Dismissing someone’s complaint about their civil rights being violated by the police based on their race and income? And making up excuses as to why the youth deserved the treatment they got? Fascinating...

Yes, the majority of her work is sexually graphic, but it’s got a nice beat and you can dance to it. I Feel Cream actually isn’t sexually explicit, and you may have heard Boys Wanna Be Her in commercials and not known it was her.