
Madison Square Garden is a hideous, stupid monstrosity that replaced a beautiful train station with a soulless monument to consumerism. There are a thousand concert venues already in NYC, but if they wish to rebuild the arena once it is rightly torn down, I hear there's plenty of space in New Jersey.

Well your culinary teacher tried his hardest to teach you something about grace, style and execution, but clearly you're just a lazy fucking shithead fuck who can't take the time to respect the craft making process of a motherfucking omelet.

Everyone, make sure you follow Skipperton's advice and stay the fuck away from Skipperton.

You don't even know these people's lives. That girl could've met him 5 minutes before it happened. Damn. Let's not hold assholes accountable, now—they're assholes!

As a member of the French aristocracy, I can assure you that we have been living in fear of this voleuse des bon bons for weeks. To know her reign of terror is at an end—that our precious sweets are once again safe from the rabble—is a relief beyond measure.

Let's hope that their supervisor, Ima Stupidmoronwithanuglyfaceandabigbutt-andmybuttsmellsandIliketokissmyownbutt gets this all sorted out.

I've been playing phone tag all night, trying to talk to his editor, Amanda Huggenkiss. But I can't find Amanda Huggenkiss. Why can't I find Amanda Huggenkiss?

When you adopt a kid, you must must must consider their ethnicity in the course of your parenting. As a person of color, they will experience micro insults/aggressions, and (likely) outright discrimination as a result of their skin color. Parents MUST be equipped to deal with both.

The discomfort comes from that bi-racial people feel as if they are being fetishized or exotic-fied.

Come to Minnesota! I'll introduce to you the delicacy that is "Chinese donuts" (or don nuts, as one place I go to calls them).

why do any type of body modification? why pierce your nose? why dye your hair, or get a tattoo?