
“To talk him out of doing crazy things.”

“I kind of pooh-poohed the experience stuff when I first got here,” explained one White House official, “But this shit is hard.”

THATS my new euphemism for vaginas.

“has been operating as if it should be called 18th Century Fox.”

  • The Daily Beast identified New Hampshire state representative Robert Fisher (R) as the likely individual behind Reddit’s “Red Pill” forum, a breeding ground for misogynists. Among other musings, Fisher wrote: “I’m going to say it—Rape isn’t an absolute bad, because the rapist I think probably likes it a lot.”

At Easter, my step dad actually quoted the Art of the Deal to me, and told me I should read it because it had good advice like, “always make your most outrageous demand at the beginning of the negotiation!”

From TNR:

My neighbor has a Texas tattoo, but we live in Texas.

He looks EXACTLY like someone named Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III should.

Pretty clear he was indicating that he thinks of Hawaii as an occupied territory and that the people should be thrall to the whims of the “real” mainland Americans.

Correct. That was Barnum. Albert Einstein took it a step further...

I’ve seen this floating around the internet and don’t know if it’s real or not, but it seems apt.

Sessions was referring to Hawaii. Its unclear whether or not Sessions knows that Hawaii is one of the fifty states or if he was just being racist.

(The husband came home literally like):

What is this internalised misogyny of which you speak? Is it widespread?

Good on her. I don’t know why people have such a hard time admitting to their internalized -isms. I often admit to being sexist, racist and homophobic and people look at me like I’m insane, but the truth of the matter is that most of us are a little bit, and the best way to improve is to be honest with yourself. Being

Heres an idea (and not just for the people at the Atlantic, but everywhere). Maybe if you want to write an article about a female politician/celebrity/CEO/artist/anything you should look back at similar articles you have done for their male counterparts. And if your article contains a whole bunch of stupid

I suck at shade. That’s what I come here for, lol.

Now playing

How amazing that Richard Pryor was the entertainment for the 1968 WHCD and in 1969 the entertainer was The Disney Golden Horsehoe revue.

Yeah, I’m definitely curious about this book by in large part is that she has to be fucking FURIOUS and deservedly so. Not saying she’s a perfect candidate, but Trump’s victory has got to feel like a steaming turd that was carelessly laid over her decades of work. She has zero fucks to give, so I’m interested in