
Well, with fibromyalgia comes chronic insomnia, and I think I've tried every damn sleeping pill/remedy there is over the last 12 years. Lunesta was good but super expensive w/o insurance, melatonin works for a while, then it makes me itch and gives me nightmares... I tried Ambien for the second time lately (before, it

I did a Groupthink post on it today, might help clarify for you what it is.

You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love your gif.

You are the best.

Ok, maybe I'm not seeing what everyone else is seeing, or maybe I'm letting my years of growing up with a prison-system teacher affect how I'm reading this, but:

I do find it odd that we have two different legal ages. At 18 you're legally an adult but can't do adult things til you're 21? I dunno... I feel like we should just pick one and stick with that.

This is also why in Elizabethan theater, as well as commedia dell'arte -basically, as you said, from the Middle Ages on - Jewish characters were depicted as redheads, along with other stereotypical features.

Innnnteresting. Very interesting.

It can be tough when so much of our existence and our understanding of where we fit in it depends on that binary.

Actually, Henry Cavill is in that movie — he plays the Count's son he doesn't know is his. She didn't say the star, she just said she saw him in that and swooned.

Sailor Jerry for the win!

Fuck the people who are all, "but people will steal guns anyway, making laws won't help!" In the words of Jon Stewart, "They are already breaking our laws by stealing — but that doesn't mean we stop making theft illegal!" So fuck you, politicians who throw up their hands and say "We can't do anything, it's not like we

But it's a necessary distinction!! Because, you know, caves! They're like vaginas! If you don't call it a man cave it means you're a woman and have one of those vagina things!!!!! Aaaaaahhhh!

You think you're doomed to die alone now, just wait til we start tinting our skin and doing all sorts of body mods a la Hunger Games Capitol. Then you'll be all alone with your boring natural skin and untattooed nipples.

Is it just me or does Gayle King's dress not fit very well? Maybe it's the draping..

I'm not a big Brad Paisley fan, but I'm pretty sure that some of his songs, like "Online," "Celebrity," and, I guess, "Most Famous People In The Country," (of the ones I know!) are meant to be a little tongue-in-cheek. I'm pretty sure that Online is.

Watched this last night, and STILLAnn not sure whether I witnessed best friends or a hostage situation. If that sloth had those 3" claws determinedly around my throat I might not move, either.

That's...kind of amazing.

It is soooo under appreciated. I try to recommend it to friends as much as possible.

I have very little wisdom... But I adore your screen name. Calamity Physics holds a special place in my bookshelf, and until Beyonce beat me to it, I had considered naming a hypothetical future daughter Blue... Anyway, so awesome!