
Spoilers for Misfits??

I dunno... I try not to use my phone in line, but I resist spending at the checkout mainly because I can't justify spending $6.95 for a magazine I'm going to read once.


All I'm getting from this is a potential counter-campaign from the legalization lobby, employing Toucan Sam as a spokesperson: "Follow your nose!!!"

Confession: I cannot think about anything Moses- or even Egyptian-history related - without thinking of Yul Brynner imperiously commanding people in his loincloth standing by the Nile.

Ha! Curse you, autocorrect!

Arya can be Inigo: "you killed my father. Prepare to die, raff the sweet long, the tickler, the hound, sir Meryn, ser Ilyn, cersei, Joffrey..."

Go you!

Not just you. I wanted to see Wonderstone too be it seemed the most promising at the moment — tho ill probably see Snitch for the sole reason that Jon Bernthal is in it.

Any Jezzies with fibromyalgia out there? I'm trying to expand my support group, and it would be nice to know people who actually know what it's like (other than my mom), and being able to make connections here would just be a plus.


It was intimidating to me too! I don't find it boring, but I'm a big fan of history texts and anthropology, so it's appealing to me. If you tend to prefer history with lots of intrigue and wars, or history that is largely Euro-centric, you may find it a challenge. I'm reading it in doses, but so far I'm still

If the tension is contributing and it's like.y due to poor posture, then yes, I'd say massage could help hugely. I have seen people get amazing results when they eliminate both chemical and musculoskeletal triggers, so I'd say definitely give it a shot, and be as detailed as possible with a therapist. If you go to a

Licensed massage therapist here:

Reading Jared Diamond's "Guns, Germs and Steel" at the moment. Incredible work of research!

Loved that book! The gangs of New York and Suckers Progress (same author) were also great.

Ooh, very good to know! That is definitely something I need to invest in, then. MUCH cheaper than $1/liter.

Same here — I've been slowly replacing sodas with Ozarka sparkling water that I buy by the liter. I've been beginning to think, however, that I need to invest in a soda stream so I can just carbonate my own water without adding the soda syrup. Too bad gasogenes aren't often found in stores. Any suggestions, anyone? If

I love how they get women who would very likely only eat their food once a year, if EVER, and pay them to act orgasmic over deep-fried potatoes, fat-filled burgers and probably nutrient-less salads. That's advertising, baby!

I wish! She'd probably faint if I suggested it, but she is going abroad this summer for a month, so I have hopes that something awesome will help change her perspective of herself. Nothing like getting away!