
As far as I know, if you oil them, buff off the ridges, and use some lemon juice (hint: use a toothbrush!) for the discoloration, you don't really need to let them "breathe" for a set amount of time. It's more about keeping them clean, fungus free, and moisturized.

Because SO MANY prostitutes are, you know, stupid and illiterate. And it must obviously follow, immoral and unable to appreciate this stellar work of literature. Which is.... Basically a book that glorifies womanizers?

Well, of course, we aren't interpreting them correctly.

No argument there! Everyone has the right to express their opinion, whether it's an issue that directly affects their everyday life, or just something that stirs a response in them. You see something wrong, you respond. No one says that's not okay.

I can understand that. I think it's a common fear for non-Jewish people that if they say something about Jewish culture or religion that they will say something uninformed or incorrect, and it is a sad truth that there are some people who will jump to the conclusion that these statements come from an anti-Semitic

I don't think that's at all what was being said. There was no implication that you are a hyper emotional crazy person, but rather an admission that as a Christian, she isn't in the best place to pass judgment on Jewish beliefs, and she invited other Christians to recognize that fact about themselves as well. I'm sorry



Possibly just chick lit hate in general? Combined with the feeling of "another sequel years after the fact, REALLY. Tell me more. "

Also known as, I got you idiots off my back and a semblance of me time for the first time in years.

Stay classy, Ann Coulter.


I see both sides here, but just wanted to say I'm sorry you're getting jumped all over, because you have lovely intentions. Really appreciate your willingness to acknowledge that this might be an issue that you don't have the fullest/fairest perspective on / or can't judge fairly through a non-Jewish lens.


Nope, you're not missing a thing! SeaAnemone pointed out a flaw in my reasoning (which, hey, even I admit leaned more toward superstitious 'just in case!' use than anything else. ) I'm pretty sure my understanding was woefully inadequate. :)

Hmmm. Interesting!

Yeah... I know. I know that technically, I can't get pregnant once I start.

This exactly. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it completely ignored its source material. Instead of marketing it as the visual realization of classic science fiction and some of the original Edgar Rice Burroughs Mars stories, stories that gave us our ideas about Martians to begin with, they just slapped

Hm. I'd actually be down for this, mainly because I've been on the Pill for years, but during the week of placebos before my period hits, My Dear Emerson and I usually need condoms, but I always forget to buy them because they're only for that week. So it would be nice, if the mood struck and I didn't want to get
