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Maybe not the entire Internet, but watching the 'meltdowns' in certain corners of the Internet as 2012/12/21 was approaching and then when it finally came to pass without anything happening was quite amusing.

Hmm, it seems the other way around to me. American soft drinks taste too sweet because of HFCS. I have had products like Coke, Pepsi, Dr Pepper and Mt Dew while in the U.S. and they were all too sweet an unappealing.

MacArthur beating them into submission with a 7-year travel ban and a constitution banning large-scale militarization (except during the Korean War) among other things. The U.S. then aided in the development of the nation.

I just got this. It contains the following:

Some of them are... some of them aren't. You can see each collection twice

Yeah, I was exaggerating. I remember the updates back then (when it was still known as FFXIII Versus) with Nomura boasting about how they have finalized the fashion designs for the characters in collaboration with some agencies.

Want to relive some of your favorite SEGA Genesis games? All five Classics Series 10-game packs are only $4 today, or get all five (50 games) for $6. They unlock on Steam, too. [SEGA Genesis Classics Series Game Packs, $4 each]

In FFXV demo tonight, director Hajime Tabata was asked how much of the game is currently finished. Tabata replied, "We're now at 60 percent." Last September, Tabata told Kotaku the game was 55 percent done. Honestly, I imagine the team has been busy getting the game's demo out the door.

Three of which are fashion designers.

a) Won't work much with cargo planes carrying heavy equipment. The way the National Airlines Flight 102's 747-428M crashed was extremely terrifying.

Meh.... fake colors.

Yeah, me, too. I was surprised when the banner got dark and stuff in December.

No shit. Why carry another device when you can get occupied with playing some simple games while riding the train? Many people also just chat or check their social media. I can count the times I have seen people playing with their (3)DS's and PSP's (PSVita not so much) while riding.

Time to switch to Ketogenic Diet?

Hmm, I thought Microsoft dropped the Nokia monkier? I guess not for everything then.