
But that's a guy form the UAE ;)

So? It is also used in Arabic as a given name. It is also the name of the Peregrine falcon in Arabic. I had a Turkish instructor called Shaheen. You know, neighboring languages share words and stuff.

I only got the Flu vaccine once and it gave me a mini-flu. So what's the point?

The fish you're eating?

Great. All I need is some pervy ghosts flying around aimlessly.

Lots of young people in the Middle East believe in Masonic conspiracy theories. There were comparison of Burj Khalifa with Sauron's tower already. I guess they will have a filed day with this one.

Side notes: The Bin Laden family, originally from Yemen, made its fortune through the construction business in the western

Nah, that's from the opposite end of the spectrum (fundamentalists & wahabis) who, by the way, think that Iran and Shiite are Public Enemy No.1

This one would probably use Rose Water and Saffron when it lets its target taste sweet death.


Venus was the first to receive the treatment, though. Sure, nothing lasted more than an hour but we went there first nevertheless. The farthest we have landed was on Titan, but that's a moon.

Here is a cool pic showing everywhere we have landed (outside of asteroids and comets). Venus is on the far left while Titan is

I feel bad for the girl and her father being trolled by someone who threw a rock on the hood of their car and made them believe it was a meteor!

Just like on Miller, right? :3

The video is private now :(

They may not end up doing that. However, the digital store will grow and likely keep the old games in it (decidedly at discounted prices).

It makes sense in the long run. Think about it. Consoles are likely to remain on the x86-64 architecture so backward compatibility in future consoles is almost guaranteed so why not build as big a library as possible for the future generations?

They especially highlighted the Godzilla parts and had given the impression that it is 'the destroyer of worlds' and that all the ensuing carnage was linked to it. Yes, the monsters were marginally shown. They still pulled an MGS2 with the trailers, IMHO.

Yeah, I suppose so. Of the Japanese films, I have only seen the original so that's what's stuck in my mind. They could have done an interpretation of the original film and still be different from the 1998 disaster.

I was disappointed because it was 'versus' movie. I wanted a pure Godzilla experience. The trailer was full of lies!

Does it use the new reversible USB-C connector?