
Haha, yeah, was pretty surprised that the app consumed 77.77MB in total (download + test). It was the last day of the month and I was nowhere near my data limit so I gave it a try.

Incidentally, I was testing the LTE speed on my DoCoMo phone yesterday. And this morning I see this ad, haha!

Well, it is something. The precedent is set. It won't take long for LG to improve their pane and for other manufacturers to introduce more variety.

Well, it is something. The precedent is set. It won't take long for LG to improve their pane and for other

Hmm, I remember Amazon selling $29.99 1-year PS+ cards this time last year. Nothing in Black Friday or Cyber Monday deals this year, though.

Hmm, I remember Amazon selling $29.99 1-year PS+ cards this time last year. Nothing in Black Friday or Cyber Monday

The license now reads PSY 'the K-Popper' WGN to me ;)

Still prefer Nausicaa

Wow, the Phantom. Sweet vaporware memories!

4K is only for Masters of the Master Race. Still too expensive for me to consider. Will try again when a single card is capable of running games smoothly.

I know that. The title (The Japanese Drivers License Center Process Is A Model Of Efficiency), however, is not specific enough so it allows me the freedom to opine!

Efficiency? Riiiiiiiiight. More like backwardness.

I was in Futamatagawa (Kanagawa) 40 days ago in order to convert my license. First needed to go to Building 1 in order to submit the paperwork. The reception window is open only twice a day (8:30 to 9:00 and 13:00 to 13:30) and they only accept 10 applications per

They should have had 52 because that would be a seven which looks like a V in the Eastern Arabic Numeral system :P

Hmm, does it come with a certificate of burial authenticity?

Cool, I cannot wait for that drunk driver/pilot to crash into my backyard.

Avoid with all your might because:

1) Suntory's Pepsi sucks

2) This particular drink is awful even by Suntory's standards. I couldn't even taste the strawberries. It is extremely sweet with a hint of milk.