
And eyes capable of seeing those unnatural colors

Funny, I just sold my PS4 yesterday.

Now playing

And I thought it was all because of this...

Colors... this movie needs them badly. Feels like they hired some of the people responsible for some of the modern FPS games and had they handle the color grading of the action scenes where it is almost always cloudy and grey (or dark).

Oh, they have a broken helicopter and some functional army trucks in the movie. The aim of the producers was to make the movie ‘more realistic’ than the manga/anime. Wonder why they kept the old-style cannons then *scratches head*

A nice handset. That said, no NFC and no wireless charging are deal breakers for me. I would prefer it to be a tad smaller. Hopefully the rumored 5.2” Nexus 5 would deliver. I hope they don’t skimp on battery, though.

It’s worth mentioning that you only get 4GB of RAM with the pricer 64GB model ($389). The $329 16GB model only comes with 3GB.

I wonder what sort of development labs does Lotteria have? Do they give employees some monthly quota to come up with new burger ideas or face termination?

Umm, are you sure you’ve read the article/checked the KS page?

Snap! I was going to pledge but this made me change my mind.

I am still waiting for an afforbable single card that can run it on 4K60 with all the effects on. Damn this game is demanding.

Real sushi is meant to be eaten by hand ;)

Yes, I did watch it earlier today. I realize the need for light and robust technology in space thingies. The Mars rovers are another example of that. I was just commenting on Velduanga’s impression of older tech being more reliable than newer stuff.

That’s probably because of business practices like these and not for the lack of good engineering. Add to that the increased complexities of newer tech which brings lots of new issues not faced in the past.

Going to see the movie tonight in Minato Mirai, w00t! They had big ads set up in Shibuya for the movie.

This article is halirious. You’re getting paid for this? Gotta hold the authors writing such shitty articles to higher standards.