
Lotteria has offered larger before.

Sniping. You cannot aim at the head from far away and expect the bullet to hit the same spot you've aimed at. Gravity exists, after all. Cracked has covered this many times.

Lotteria isn't the place to go for great taste, in my opinion. Their bread also doesn't look, feel or taste fresh. As for the cheese, it's teh Japanese Cheese, so enough said!

More like a soaped-up PS1 emulator ;)

Does the cart slot come with a cover or is it exposed to the elements unless a cart is installed?

Hopefully it will come out in Japan as well unlike Rising. If anything, both it and TPP appear on the Japanese storefront at the moment. Hope that doesn't change as the release draws nearer.

Dunno, the props look fake-ish and the actors won't win any awards.

I buy my books on Kindle because it offers wide compatibility with different devices. I can read my Kindle books on my Kindle Paperwhite, iPad, Android phone, PC and any device that can access the Internet. Meanwhile, items bought on Newsstand remain trapped on my iPad.

The success of a solution like the Dual Carbon Battery will be instrumental in the proliferation of electric vehicles. My concern is how loud are the fake engine sounds required by regulators. It will be nice to have quieter streets.

Who knows, maybe Apple will release iPhone Minus with a 4" screen next time if enough people made their opinions heard. The masses have spoken, however, and they want a bigger screen. Jon Ivy can no longer boast about one-hand use in promo videos.

Well, that felt weird at the beginning since people were speaking in Japanese so I thought my mind was playing tricks (I live in Japan) so I had to double check, haha.

And they managed to double the storage amount to 4GB (around 3GB will be usable). Woo! This is just terrible for storing and reading manga, which devours empty space quickly. The glass screen is more prone to fingerprints. Maybe that's one of the reasons why they are reintroducing buttons.

More Amazingly, it's coming out in Japan (older releases like FFVII and FFVIII are blocked on Japanese Steam)!

The plastic used in the current 3DS and 3DS XL feels quite cheap (especially the former) compared to the one used in my DS Lite Crimson/Black. I will have to handle the -new- 3DS to see if it anywhere as good.

I have the ELUGA X. It is a decent phone but too plasticy. DoCoMo's bloatware makes the experience worse since you cannot uninstall them. It's my first smartphone so cannot say how it stacks against the competition. Panasonic didn't do well in the smartphone business so they withdrew from the market last year. This

It probably has the Sony 1" sensor found in the RX100 (Panasonic has previously used that sensor in the FZ1000). But didn't Panasonic announce they were out of the smartphone game? Maybe they consider this a camera with the the 'phone' functionality as a secondary feature?

It's not strictly Sci-Fi but still worth mentioning. Some has noted the thematic similarities between Al-Maʿarri's "The Epistle of Forgiveness" (Risālat al-ghufrān رسالة الغفران) and Dante's "Divine Comedy".

Thanks for the link. It seems my @live account has been pwned 11 months ago in the Adobe breach. Nothing has ever materialize from that incident, but I guess I should change the password just in case :)

They pulled a Metal Gear Solid 2 on us. I went there to see Godzilla kick ass (as the trailer would have you believe), but this ended up being a V.S. movie with the bad Kaiju taking the majority of screen time :(