
Right... those SSDs are being held back by SATA III so don't expect any super performance from PS4's ancient SATA II interface.

Right... those SSDs are being held back by SATA III so don't expect any super performance from PS4's ancient SATA II

Still waiting for Akira, yeah!

The cut scenes alone in MGS were close to 5 hours so I don't know how you can finish it the first time in under 3 hours. Again, as I said above, I am talking about the whole experience and not gameplay only.

I doubt MGS has 13 hours of cut scenes.

I am sure you can beat it in a very short time once you are familiar with most of the game. To me, it's the experience of going through the game the first time that matters most. We'll see what GZ offers.

It took me over 17 hours to beat MGS4 the first time (cutscenes count of course since this is MGS) and that's without doing everything there is to do. PS1 MGS took me less than 15 hours to clear.

It's hard to get a fast focusing system with a sensor this big. Just ask Sony.

Judging by the need of an external WiFi adapter and Nikon's own words: "Its rugged magnesium alloy body will withstand harsh conditions", I would say it's weather proofed enough. I guess it would be of more interest to people with lots of old glass or purists.

I always carry my X100S in the leather case. Dunno how

I'm sure Luke is aware of the 'infamous' word (see the topmost image). He is just questioning the difference in usage of lowercase for the 'in' part and uppercase for the FAMOUS part; leading him to wonder if the nuance is different from that of the word as it exists in the English language.

Mostly likely, it's just a

That's next gen. We'll talk about that in 2020.

Maybe not... there is a good chance The Phantom Pain will not include the GZ segment (or include it as a DLC). I would like to consider this as Episode 1.

Now playing

There was a 'we don't want foreigners' march in Shinjuku a couple of months ago. Point is, racism exists everywhere. Even between the same people. However, just because a few individuals exhibit it, doesn't mean an entire people should be made guilty of it. This video caused a bit of a stir on the Internet earlier

That's racist. Hating on MSG because it was popularized by the Japanese? :P

So now your data will sound funny as well :-)

A size comparison, courtesy of Nikon Rumors.

Why not search for deals on the Nikon D600? If you don't care much about silent shooting (or the extra .5 fps) provided by the D610 then you might be able to find great deals on the D600 especially with the holiday shopping season fast approaching.

You can get a refurbished body for sub-$1500 at the moment. If you want

I would be impressed if Nikon were able to fit their top of the line AF in a body this small. Realistically, the 39pt AF is the only plausible alternative. Maybe a new AF that sits somewhere in the middle?

Yeah, it only looks retro from the front. I'm not sure I like the ergonomics. I am not sure how compact this is. Maybe slightly bigger than the D610?

The 6D is not that big. It's more comfortable for me to handle than the 5D3 and probably still focuses faster than the new Sony. The compactness doesn't mean much for FF, I'm afraid, since the lenses will still be big. Nevertheless, I'm looking to test the 7R in Yodobashi Camera in Mid-November :)

But does the video feature cost that much? If the rumor is true, I guess the main reason for removing this feature would be so they don't have to worry about cooling the sensor so they can make the whole thing more compact (and saving just a tiny bit on microphones).

A few possibilities come to mind: