You can’t use your hands, you idiot.
You can’t use your hands, you idiot.
If you’re the kind of individual that thinks cleaning cast iron is hard, you shouldn’t own cast iron pans. Leave that to us grown-ups.
If you’re the kind of individual that thinks cleaning cast iron is hard, you shouldn’t own cast iron pans. Leave…
Glory days? You fucking liar- that photo is in color.
Man, I can’t wait to see what the papers will come up with for headlines tomorrow morning!
You weren’t there
Huh. I’d have thought he’d be a Niner by now.
A couple of those examples (say, how the slaves brought important knowledge) seem less like attempts at making slavery into a positive thing, and more of a very clumsy attempt to document some kind of... agency or personhood for people who are often only depicted as helpless, faceless, no-impact victims.
Pretty typical of a Red to blame history on Bourgeois instincts.
Haha, yeah - that’s why he just won his fourth Golden Glove, right?
You’re just adding more holes for him to try to put his penis in.
I honestly don’t know why that deserved more than two minutes.
It seems almost too obvious to point out that this is a bad, bad list.
Top throwback jersey in Toronto:
'And No One will Remember it'
"How the fuck is this news?"
You failed to mention the enclosed $49 million Target gift card.
A very serious oversight.
Only if ISIS beat West Virginia.