You know what? All this shit being flung at her on top of the terrorist attack, Aretha’s memorial, etc. have made me a fan of this woman. Ultimately couldn’t care less about her music, but fuck the haters.
You know what? All this shit being flung at her on top of the terrorist attack, Aretha’s memorial, etc. have made me a fan of this woman. Ultimately couldn’t care less about her music, but fuck the haters.
Speaking of pieces of shit:
Ikr - whomever made this is my new favorite person. Ever!
And now it begins!
Many people have been waiting for this and Nickelodeon.
Money. Been disappointed with love plenty, but I’m ready to open my life to money.
If it’s between being rich and married to David, or not married to David and poor, I’d choose the first option. Because David is so boring, it’s like he’s not there, anyways.
SAME. I love a night with room service (or takeout, depending), and time and space for myself.
My husband is on a business trip right now and I am LIVING. I ordered sushi and watched the Gaga documentary last night. I slept on the entire bed and didn’t make it this morning.
I like when my husband goes away on business, too. It’s nice to have that space and the time to miss each other.
Don’t feel guilty! Alone time is precious. I like when my husband goes away on business. It’s nice to miss one another sometimes. Looking after the kids alone is a bit rough at times, but I think it’s ultimately good for our relationship.
Don’t. I enjoy it when my husband takes business trips for the alone time at home. Ha.
Instead of filming a third movie, I think they should just continue to hiss at each other on social media and in interviews for a while. It’s probably as embarrassing as a third movie would be, and like a final movie, I will still watch it.
News like this makes Mike Pence so bereft he reaches across the space between the beds to Mother for comfort. No dirty stuff, as it’s not Saturday night between 9:15 and 9:22 or the handicapped bathroom stall at the Golden Corral.