Mr. Pie!


I laugh at the fact that you call yourself a gamer yet obviously consider 1080p/60FPS to be the only important criteria to judge a game or system by.

You might be too young to remember a time when we gamers actually spent more time playing and enjoying video games than arguing about pointless things like resolution.

This is why really I wish there was a private match option.

Well, other than having a good anime lineup. But, you know, it's not like they're always interrupting cool anime! Sometimes the stuff that's playing on TV Tokyo during important events is utter tripe.

Remember the first MGS4 trailer announced? Yeah, the one where everything looked better than MGSV does today?

On a side note i spent pretty much all of my day viciously insulting people as bad as i could and following it up with "Merry Christmas".

I Love doing that.

Dude if he gave it a rest he wouldn't be able to feel that self validation that he gets. He would realize that he is pathetic as shit. PC gamers like him gives all of us a fucking shit reputation. Play games on whatever platform you prefer and be civil like shit this stuff is getting old.

I get the feeling that she feels...intimidated by Clementine. Almost like she feels that Clem will try to replace her as the female of the group. I'm a guy so I could be misunderstanding the signals but that's what it feels like. I had Clem say "I'm just a kid" to her in the kitchen and she said something like "I

Game: Fallout 3

I would have added Heavy Rain.

Game: The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

Just as CoD doesn't have a Ghosts of a chance to stand up to Titanfall. Keep trying.

I agree. All I know is I'm going to enjoy my ps4 and I hope peoples with xbox one do the same.

Yep. I bought an Xbox Live card that was from the original Xbox on clearance at Target for like $12 once and it worked on 360.

Does it get cold up there atop your high horse?

You are a crazy person.

Nobody ever thinks to look in the locker... In any horror game ever. Granted that chainsaw dude might have been blind, seeing as at one point he was right in front of the player and just got side stepped around. The thing that troubles me more than the clumsy animations though were the shooting mechanics, they looked

The sharing aspects that 'required DRM' and then dropped have been available in a similar but more limited form on the PS3 for a long time. The PS4 has expanded on it. Steam will have sharing as well.