Mr. Pie!


Yeah, though try to bring that up in any conversation where someone says they don't want Kinect and you'll get people saying that devs won't use it anyway and it sucks regardless.

Found this on reddit. Thought I would share.

No, Gabe saw what happened to Netscape after Microsoft bundled Internet explorer and got terrified Windows Store was going to nuke Steam. That's what he "didn't like". It'll have a silly number of downloads, and 90% of the users will be back to windows inside six months when they find out they need to use the rest of

Sir, I don't remember ever voting for you to speak on behalf of gamers. If you have no idea why this is a great feature, the please bury your head in the sand and never come out.

Actually, its the wacky awesome fun game with two difficulties. Normal which has no timer and hardcore which has a timer. I was concerned about the same thing until I found out.

I replay Wind Waker every year or so, and it's the only one I play as regularly (the rest I rotate through. I probably play 2 or 3 Zeldas a year). The combat system in the original WW is flawless (to me), especially when fighting Darknuts. The only (HUGE) peeve I have is that every. single. time you use the hookshot

This game had far and away the best characterization of Ganon, and I will love it forever for that. In it, he became a borderline philosophical character who was the only one that understood what was happening and still affirmed his decisions. Downright Dostoevskyesque at parts.

I wish I could find a clip of it, but they actually talked about the connection between violent video games and actual violence in the newest episode of Always Sunny in Philadelphia.


Because people bitched and moaned and cried and complained and called a winner months before launch. They kinda HAD to because they got completely punished for trying something new. SONY played it safe from the beginning so as not to frighten off all the shy console squirrels and ended up with not enough butt cheek

Looks like she build herself a Leg-o.

Because that way he has something to scream for in the pissing match they have made this generation.

I don't understand that mindset at all. Why would you want people on different platforms to not be able to play it? What good is that for developers, who would like a game available to as broad an audience as possible?

Why PS4 exclusive? I want to play it as well on my PC and feel what the fans feel..


The game that made you buy two terrible sequels.