Mr. Pie!

Sweet lord, GIVE IT A REST ALREADY. We all have been informed that PCs are AMAZING and consoles are just outdated hardware and lame software, OVER AND OVER AGAIN, for as long as I can remember.

This bitch.

Yes, it might sound like a biased comment because it's the author's opinion. Writers are gonna put their opinion in their articles, specially reviews, because it's a part of their job, get over it. Unless they're reviewing tech specs alone reviews NEED the personal input of the reviewer, that's how it works: It's two

I've had a tumultuous relationship with Gran Turismo over the years. I used to love it. Then I hated it, bored of how sterile and lifeless it had become. Now...I appreciate it for what it is. I've got Forza for when I want to get behind a car and go "WWWAAHAHHHHAHAHHAH". For those times I want to play the video game

Exactly my reaction..... Uncanny.

They're screwed either way, right?

Seriously?... Wow..

7 Xbox 360's here. 1 launch unit -> 4 replacement/repaired units -> 1 brand new purchased Jasper -> 1 brand new purchased Slim.

It's kinda... Funny... And creepy at the same time. It's like Slenderman and a Korean lady had offspring, and it became a TV presenter.

PS4 will be released TOMORROW, so, yeah, they're gonna drown you in PS4 articles and news, wether you consider them relevant or not.


Yeah, all that stuff is great, but... Will it Blend?

I'd really say that looks a lot like an Xbox 360 E instead of an Xbox One (Too small?) I might be wrong, though

Already had that one, I traded it in for store credit to fill part of my Xbox One preorder. I just couldn't get myself to play the Wii U anymore, it didn't have anything for me. Not even the announcement of the new Super Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8, or Donkey Kong were enough to keep me interested. Not even the kids

For better or worse, a lot of people care. Off the top of my head, people in the juxtaposition of "People who like Call of Duty" and "People who might consider buying an Xbox One to play the new Call of Duty Game"...

Trolling is only effective if you care for it. If you stop paying attention to the trolls, they'll lose their powers! (Simpsons Treehouse of horror VI quote, HA!)


You and I... we complement each other, as my ADHD-ish gaming habits won't allow me to finish Assassin's Creed T_T

Does that mean I can play games online on Xbox One even if I don't have one?