
Sedate sedan?

Well, thank God he wasn’t carrying! If he would have been packing, he would have most likely showed up and said “Cor! Blimey! Never mind the bollocks!” and started firing blindly in all directions resulting in massive casualties. In fact, it’s highly probable that an errant bullet could have traveled all the way to

You should be slapped for even showing us this....thing!

Damn, you peopel are really out of material, aren’t you?

No. I’d rather spend the money on booze. Sure, I wouldn’t have a cool Fiero if I did that...but I wouldn’t if I had bought it either.

I used to have a high powered green laser. I threw it away after these pinheads started lasing planes. I did not want to get caught with it and blamed for this kind of stupid shit.

Hypoglycemic reaction?

Sinking even before they finish the keel.

It ain’t looking too good down on the ol’Double F Ranch.

Fuck yes. Wrap it up, I’ll take it.

It’s a little rough, but buy it, drive it, see if you like it. maybe you’ll discover that the Miata isn’t for you after all. But if you do like it, you can buy one in better shape and have no problem selling this one for what you paid for it.

I have no problem with people using tax loopholes to save a buck...what I do have a problem with are people who bitch about “Tax breaks for the rich or say that taxes are too low” yet use every trick available to not pay.

Love the car...the price, however is a cracktastic.

Janis Joplin: Dead

“White power” and “Colored”. Welcome to the SPLC watch-list.

Way ahead of you, champ. When someone sneezes, I just walk up and slap them and yell in their face “Knock that shit off, you walking Petri dish!”

It’s working fine....for them. Now we are taking the word of huge corporations as gospel truth? What website is this?

The more danger the protagonist is in, the more likely the car won’t start.

Nah. When I need a Volvo fix, I’ll park the SAAB and drive the turbo 850 I have parked in the back yard.

The first “sports car” that I ever rode in was a yellow 914 just like this one. When I was a kid, my sister’s boyfriend had just gotten it and took for a spin. He drove down a really twisty road to show me the handling. Now, everytime I get a different car, I always take a trip and drive down that same road.