
I love these nearly forgotten cars. I always play the alternate history What-If game with them. Great article.

Mine too. This was a cowardly dick move. Fuck Twitter.

It is an Orwell reference. Neither Rose, Trump or anyone should be censored unless they are making violent threats or releasing personal info on people. I signed up for Twitter years ago and I haven’t used it since the first week.

This is about a pig named Harvey. Please try to keep up with the rest of the class.

Apparently, some people are more equal than others.

I hear he’s traveling to Europe for “rehab”. Is he going to a country without an extradition treaty with the U.S.?

Nah, you’d have to pay me more than $1,800 to work on that...wait, what?

Not just yes, but FUCK YES! I have a 2000 9-3 SE convertible and it kicks ass, the Viggen does even more so.

You, sir are a hoopy frood who knows where his towel is.

If they won’t “Do Anything” about the hundreds of September 11 conspiracy videos, why would they do anything about this?

Ah yes, the sublime pleasure of being able to casually brag about the Maserati you have sitting on blocks in your driveway.

(SHRUG) I can do it now. I took my Echo Dot and plugged it into the line-in on the stereo and connected it my wireless hotspot. It worked ok, but I took it back in the house.

The Lost Weekday?

Ah, sorry. I thought it was YOU asking about compensating. I really should learn to read one of these days.

Why do you churlish asswipes always do this?

Well, since Hillary got in to no trouble so I guess it’s cool now.

Don’t fuck it up! And for God’s sake stop milking the “Arnie tries to smile” gag.

Isn’t that the car Mr. Incredible drove?

I’d get them and use them for a pizza delivery service. Pacer Pizza.

Now playing

Insurance? Yeah, you’ll have to someone like Vern Fonk.