
It’s odd, cheap and somewhat functional...just like me.

I can’t use my 3D mouse in this Chrome version. Using the 3D Mouse is half the fun!

I’m sorry, but did you see how clean the floor mats are?

Suicides are a lot more common than most people think. I listen to a police scanner and I hear suicide calls all the time. I just heard one less than a half hour ago (a girl hanged herself and the family found her and cut her down. Unsure if she was “successful”. Last night somebody was found dead in their bedroom

True, but propane’s price increases always seem to lag behind gasoline increases. Besides, propane is rated at 110 octane. For an old high compression engine it works great. It made the old 351 V8 in the Bronco run like a scalded ape.

When gas prices went batshit high a few years ago, I really thought about getting one of these and run it on old used vegetable oil. I didn’t do it because I’m a lazy sack of shit and gas prices went down. I did work up enough energy to convert my old Bronco to run on propane in case the shit hit the fan.

No kidding! Where’s our daily two minutes of Trump Hate? Mr. Slim is paying you guys good money. You’re starting to run this place like a car blog or something.

“The squares of one-two-three. We spent years trying to attach some cosmic significance to that... ...and came up with nothing.”

Looks like Buick is back on the menu, boys!

Yeah, that’s not at all reassuring. “Car’s all fixed...quick, sell that bitch!”

It’s an Arizona car, so it’s probably as rust-free as possible. There’s a lot to like here...maybe TOO much to like. I’m not a fan of the Twinkie color, but overall I’d go for it if I was an attention seeker, since I’m not I’ll pass.

You took a work of art and bastardized its very DNA. Now you expect me to pay you an absolutely comically optimistic amount of money for the “privilege” of owning it. Did you paint that in a closed room with no ventilation? That can be the only explanation for the fever dreams you are currently experiencing. I’d say

Hey, remember when Hollywood Lefties thought paranoia about Russia was a bad thing? Putin needs to make Russia a big market for American movies and then H’Wood will start kissing his ass like they do do China.

In other news, the NBA is still mostly black and male. Somebody call the EEOC!

OMFG! One of (Stealth Nazi) DONALD J. TRUMP’S cabinet officials is doing the same shit as everyone before him. Stop the presses!

One of the lines that stuck with me the most for some reason was when two of the kids were able to see back in time when It fell to Earth. One of the kids said, “This is Ago!” as opposed to “This is the past.” A time so far back that it defied normal terms.

Back in high school I always wanted one of these...fuck it, I’ll go for it and drive around blasting Def Leppard on weekends.

It’s “rough around the edges”? It’s a freaking Jeep...a 30 year old Jeep! I’d be worried if the ad said it was tip top.

It looks like a chrome plated butt-plug.

Previous celebrity ownership of a car doesn’t mean Jack to me...unless it’s
Jon Voight’s LeBaron convertible.