
There’s a reason why these are rare...nobody bought the damn things!

You really are out of material, aren’t you?

Fab Five Freddy!

Screw it, I’ll play.

I have an LED lightbar on my QX4, but I actually do go putzing around on old logging/forest sevice roads. Plus, when driving in the sticks at night, they really help illuminate deer eyes in the distance before they jump in the road ahead of you.

A $5,500 Range Rover looks pretty sweet sitting on the back of a flat-bed tow truck which is good because you’ll be seeing it there a lot.

“Or they just decided they would hate anything Trump likes.”

Hey, Trump just tweeted that people who drink bleach are losers! Let’s all go chug down some Clorox and show him who’s boss!

Hell, I could probably part that baby out and more than recoup my losses if it turned out to be too big to fix.

CRASH! Ten seconds later...”Whoa!”

I agree that The American track driver was a miss. “The brake pedal is a Communist plot to make Americans slow down. If an American hits somethin’ well, then it shouldn’t a been there in the first place.”

Jesus Christ...that’s a Frankencar that even I couldn’t love.

I had an old Datsun 210 that I overloaded and broke the rear shocks. It was OK unless I got on the freeway and it bounced around like that. Couldn’t believe how nice it rode once I replaced them.

YES! I had a 1984 733 and I loved that damn car. A turbo version? Double yes.  I’d still have it if some soccer mom hadn’t ran a red light and T-boned me.

I just learned yesterday that there is a real human skull in the Pirates Of The Caribbean ride at Disneyland. They used to have several actual skeletons before the fake ones looked real enough to pass.

I...I don’t think that’s a dashcam.

Progressive Media Studies...PMS?



Who was that man? I’d like to shake his hand.