
666 horsepower?

Actually, the 1970's were like that in all regards. It felt like an overstuffed ashtray in a public toilet at a bus station.

“it became a shambling mess in the second half. It dragged and became uninteresting.”

“On paper”. Well, that’s great because it’s getting less likely you’ll ever see it on the road.

Lad Locker gets five stars!

Oh, save it. Your Moral Equivalence 101 bullshit is getting old.

No. Next question?

Too much $$$, but I have to say, 30 year old cars today look a hell of a lot better than 30 year old cars did when I was in high school.

Dual-Din Android car stereo. Too lazy to put it in yet.

Building up your defenses is not the same as nuking a country. Maybe in your worldview it is.

Like when Obama said that “marriage is between one man and one woman”? You guys just winked and said “He’s just saying for the rubes in Jesusland, we know he doesn’t mean it”.

“In a 1987 interview” You guys didn’t hold Hillary Clinton responsible for things she actually did less than a year ago (fucking over Bernie Sanders), yet you hold Trump to something he said 30 years ago. guys see him as a villain from a re-run of Captain Planet. Nothing I can say is going to change your mind and you really aren’t moving my meter any with these arguments. Enjoy your fetid fever dreams.

You sound as unhinged as that jerk who yelled at Ivanka Trump on the airplane. Where the hell are you people getting your fucked up worldview?

News flash. Russia, China, the rest of the world (except for maybe Iran, but they’re cool, right?) and even Trump himself do not want a nuclear war. Calm the fuck down.

Russia did not “hack the election”. Some e-mails of a Hillary Clinton campaign staffer were hacked because the dummy fell for a phishing scam. All that happened was their underhanded sleazy actions came to light.

Because it doesn’t fit the Carlos Slim mandate that all Gawker-Ghost posts must clearly state that Trump is a 100% evil poopy-head.

Hi, Mr. Slim, I wrote another “Donald Trump is a big poopyhead” article. Can I get paid now, please?

Still haven’t figured out why you lost the election, huh?

Now you, sir are a hoopy frood who knows where his towel is!