
I had a 1982 Audi 4000 5+5 (Five cylinder/five speed). The interior is nearly identical and the AWD and Turbocharger just can’t make me jazzed about coughing up 80 grand.

But think of all the gas money you’ll save!

Does Aer Lingus mean “Flying Tongue”?

Welcome to Gawker Media where America always sucks!

I thought that this was awesome, then I realized I’m not 12 years old anymore.

Did they really think that nobody would ever figure this out?

I had it done 16 years ago and have never regretted it for a minute. I’m an old fart now, so the eyes don’t focus near/far anymore. They just stay at reading distance. I got glasses last month but only wear them for driving.

If it has solved the not-so-minor incindiary explosion issue, I’m in.

I’ll take “Lawsuit Lotto” for $2,000, Alex.

He must have caught a whiff of his own bullshit.

Oh, HELL no!

Hey, guys...we found the shill from Critical Mass!

Screw it, I’m in.

B166-ER, a name that will never be forgotten, for he was the first of his kind to rise up against his masters.

I remember this one. We were still jumpy from 9/11 and I expected this plane to suicide crash into something any day.

11. Dead puppy smell.

Great car, not a great price. Sadly, CP.

Call it The Jilt.

Well, in the back of their minds they know that if it gets too awkward or if something catastrophic occurs, they can just walk out the door and be in Hawaii, rather than dying. They should have a provision where if they leave the dome, their families are killed.

A brand new car right off the assembly line had damn well better be nicer than my car.