
Maybe it was the line “Oh, you’re one of THOSE types”. DO believe the Media?

Actually, if the Media can’t spin the story to make Obama look good, they bury it.

A complete and utter fanboy with way too much money might, MIGHT get it just for kicks. As for me, iDon’t think so.

Did they have every single explosive item in the city stored together in the same two square block area?

Well, it’ll get attention, but so will a cockroach on a wedding cake.

1948 Tucker.

Again, nice car, ridiculous price. C’mon, people, nobody cares how much time and sweat you invested in you it’s a realization of a dream, to us it’s just a modified car.

I had a 1984 733i and I loved that damn car. I only got rid of it because some lady ran a red light and T-boned me. As much as I loved it, $15,000 is a ridiculous price. Sorry, no sale.

“Here, read this script.”


No. If I’m going to get an RV, it’s not going to be some thing that looks it was slapped together by half-witted survivors of a zombie plague. half-wits who want $7,500, and it doesn’t even have a toilet or 3-way fridge?


They have to add a special fuse that can handle the extra zap without blowing. Probably other stuff too.

It’s an interesting truck, but not 40 grand worth.

8 cylinders...6 speeds....15 years old...185,000 miles...$6,000.

It’s only $1,500 you cheap bastards!

Carrie, stand up.

I like it! NP.

“Get in! Nikola Tesla’s about to push The Button! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!”