
“Some damned fool opened The Box!”

Anybody who would paint a car that color should have their ass removed.

You’re goddamn right it’s dangerous to say that they can kill us. Robots are surly assholes and they carry grudges.

Good to know, thanks!

That works, unless you’re waiting to catch “The Right Shot” (waiting for an eagle to turn the right direction, a sea otter to look cute etc)

When you’re using the extreme zoom, you need all the light you can get. (maybe that would work, I’m an amateur at best. I have a Fuji with a 40X optical zoom)

NP! No question.

If this camera had a remote controlled shutter, I’d get it. At that level of zoom, it’s impossible (for me at least) to click the shutter button without shaking the camera making the shot blurry.

You use a lot of words like “Us, We and Our” to differentiate yourself, then get all indignant when someone else uses a term that differentiates you.

“I disagree with you.”

I have to question the logic of naming a car after something associated with “unexplained problems”.

Yes, yes, America sucks, welcome to Gawker.

Gawker headline: Asteroid to hit Earth! All life will be destroyed! Women, minorities and LGBTQX hardest hit!

What? It...I...WHAT?

Liberte’ Egalite’ Frigate’

Thank you for leaping to the defense of our Celebrity Mega-Millionaire Community. They really are our most important natural resource.

Cuckoo clocks have used a similar process for centuries. Cool idea.

For $12,500, there had better be aliens or Jimmy Hoffa stashed in the trunk, otherwise, CP.

No, hell no. This is the equivalent of a Jr. high school girl stuffing socks in her bra or a guy putting a rolled up towel in their pants.

No. Just no. The Chevy Citation is like cancer, AIDS and leprosy all rolled into one.