Machine & Voice

This sounds like poor fanfic.

Keep trying, folks. You've almost got the Hengjavik.


I think if I had to sit and play the little games at Lumosity for eight hours I'd be lucky to know how to feed myself afterwards. They are a fun little diversion, but even the site says they are not designed to play for that length of time - it's supposed to be little chunks every day whereas sitting down to a

I struggle with this a little because that's the stance I'd take on almost any other situation like this. The reason I don't in this case is because I think Bronies like it because its a simplified and palatable presentation of girls, made less threatening and less real, but still easy to support because they are

Except there's also an element of sexism to Bronies' protestation that it's NOT a show meant for little girls, it's SO MUCH COOLER THAN THAT. And there's a shit-ton of sexism in the way Bronies frequently act.

xkcd isn't funny

Woah, they did put a F-Zero ship in the game.

This is both the best and worst thing I saw today.


Mark, will you have a shit baby with me?

2 things. That video is awful & that is not an electro banger that is a down tempo chill house track. C'mon Giz WTF get your genres & you're taste together

(Cuteness? Acting ability? Pure insanity?)

anything with "cleavage" will possibly get her killed. the metal needs to be convex (bulging outward) to deflect a blow; any part of the surface that curves inward (the cleavage) encourages the metal to give in to pressure and harm the wearer.

Oh that armor is "really" going to be protecting her.

Comcast's new album, Ryan, drops next week.

I would watch that Top Gun sequel if it was about how Goose was a ghost and haunted the shit our of Maverick everyday, by like surprising him on the toilet and whatnot. But Maverick just got used to it really fast and then it became an odd-couple type story and at the end they learned to get along after they went on

I was just telling my fiancé that we should use the rest of our wedding fund for this. The chance to meet LeVar and wear THE VISOR from TNG is a way better experience than a dumb wedding.

Now playing

I'm sure this has made the rounds by now, but it makes me as uncomfortable as any YouTube video I've ever seen.