Machine & Voice


This is horrible. It's a wishlist, not a business meeting. there's no space here for "a little thing that can turn into anything"

New research? Pretty sure I knew this at least a decade ago, because I remember that it finally made sense of why flies are so quick.

What if you drink to unjam the anxiety-induced word-traffic in your head? Or what if you drink to allow yourself to be sad instead of soberly filing it as "expected disappointments for a chaotic and alienating place"?

Kid riffs on "It's Rainin' Men" in Gummo 2

"I don't think this office could handle how much more incredible I'd be if I didnt have my delicious burritos poisoning my heart and soul and holding me back. But you'll need those lean cuisines, it's for the best."

I work in a satellite building of a small government education center, so I have somehow managed to be an office worker but not deal with any of that bullshit. My other two co-workers are certainly a type of something, but it's not really bothersome, and they all leave 2 hours into my shift.

Goddamn it, I laughed at the skateboard pic.

"No really it is an interesting subject the majority of people who wish to have an abundant amount of security are they not generally criminals ?"

You're terrible music, if anyone is!

Two things that annoyed me about this: The actual track is great, and "brings in the cats" repeatedly. There was no need to loop it that awkwardly (though I guess its crudeness completes the nostalgia trip over this kind of thing).

You assume that anyone will miss you.

I learned this when i was 9 years old and coming back to France. I just thought it was something I learned in the states and could pass off there, but I don't think I've been in a more heated situation after a round of Bumper Cars since.

Hahahahaha. Traveling! Yeah, that's still a thing. Putz.

The brain immediately went to the gif when I read "it will continue the series' ever-downward spiral since the nearly flawless original movie came out in 1988."

You have a contempt for people that you're not smart enough to earn. I wish you well.

finally saw this movie and had a lot of opposing feelings about it, but the closing sentences of this review are a perfect way to describe it

This actually looks intensely stupid next to a decent hourglass.

thank you