
I have plenty of choice with iOS. I just don't have the choices you want, just as you don't have the choices that I want. Besides, I'd much rather have the most recent OS with most of the features on my last-gen phone than watch the upgrade train completely leave me behind as I wait for over a year and a half for,

I'll just leave this here:

What part of "tech demo" is unclear to you?

I'll buy this on day one just to support this guy. Wow.

I agree with the my opinion deal. It's just difficult for me to deal with Treyarch's approach to war, especially since a key reason that I became a fan of CoD originally was that it was the first war-based FPS series that I'd played that felt like it respected the burden that war put upon its soldiers. It's almost

Yeah, but it was a stupid one. Just because the car runs doesn't mean it's not a piece of shit. :/

Fuck yeah. Me downloading the new Infected Mushroom album when it leaked didn't stop my pre-ordered digital copy from being purchased. Just because I want something NOW doesn't mean the company won't get my money from it.

Thank you for making my day. Now if only we could get these guys on a new Soldier of Fortune game...

Unfortunately, this is developed by the same team that did World at War and the first Black Ops. Do you really expect intelligence from these people instead of their "FUCK YEAH WAR" stance that they've taken so far?

And people like you are why we get bullshit Rambo-y single-player campaigns like Black Ops or MW3 instead of stunners like CoD4:MW. Thanks for that.

Well, this is what happens when you have a whole new team take over an old franchise. Let's hope Max Payne 3 isn't as rough of a transition.

So we're comparing 3D Realms to Irrational Games? A quick resume check should send any worries about this out the window.

You know the world's getting fucked up when Satan find it incomprehensible.

Oh, I'm not disputing that at all. But I'd never seen a blue one before and that got me for life. :D

I think the philosophy that some people use to rationalize it is to turn it into a day of peace and happiness directly in defiance of him.

Cutting out 90% of their products (including entire product lines) is exactly how Steve Jobs saved Apple back in the day. IF Kaz has the sense to be just as strong in making the right tough decisions, Sony could live yet.

So saving the last existing "undomesticated" (for lack of a better term) life form of its kind (which was thought to have been nonexistent for SEVENTY YEARS) isn't a good cause? Saying "it's a bush" trivializes this immensely. I also wouldn't even come close to calling it a "$15 shrubbery" considering that it's, you

+1 internets to this man (or woman, Whatever), please.

I would love to see that point brought up to any of the more bible-thumpy candidates for any political position, especially those that rail against paying taxes.

Agreed. Let's get this into the dictionary someday! I pledge my support to this cause. :)