
Well, I have a predilection towards blue women, if that means anything in this context. I blame Farscape.

"And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you" Leviticus 11:10

I was understanding of (although not agreeing with) her perspective until she said "Remember Sodom."

I've been afraid of this for years, and this is is just the final phase of what started years ago with CoD3: it's Guitar Hero and Harmonix all over again.


Well-stated. :)

Yes, but it gave us Bob Saget in return.

Agreed. I have similar feelings about Chris Brown.

Agreed. You know, in case they're watching.


Well then, cheers! Good game is good game regardless of platform. :)

I'm just saying that I don't want to excuse any of them. I honestly think we agree on the base societal issue. Kanye is interesting, but I certainly don't respect him anymore after everything that's happened.

Well, it did become the center of a pretty fierce debate amongst my friends in high school. I wasn't the only one with that opinion.

There are very few truly "perfect" games. I just think this happens to be one of the only classics that has a fan base that can accept the game's shortcomings for the sake of the much, much greater areas where it excels.

Are you saying to research some statistics about blacks and Koreans or just about the blacks? Because either way, your vernacular is rather troubling.

Both her and Mayweather said inexcusable things. Yes, shun her, and shun him, too.

Are you saying that because she's a schizophrenic, her statements have no root in her real feelings?

Welcome to Iran.

Suicide Club is the only movie that has made me feel like suicide wasn't that big of a deal afterwards. As a depressed teenager, that scared the shit out of me not so much for myself, but for others that might see it and react worse. Fuck that movie.

I catch up on RSS feeds, so sometimes my comments are waaaaay later because I don't check the dates on specific stories or comments as I read them unless they're time-sensitive (contests, sales). I didn't know if you'd disagree because there was nothing in your post regarding touch controls. I was just pointing to the