
I'm finding them on eBay for fifteen to twenty bucks. o_O

AC3 never hit PS+. Just sales, and nowhere near 75%. :/

I really, really don't know why people are playing this stupid fucking game. I played it for two minutes, got a high schore of 13, and decided there was no reason to subject myself to it ever again.

It's a Northern California thing. Hella is just part of our language out here.

Would you rather they use the pixelated shit fonts that technology surpassed over a decade ago?

So they're going to give their developers more time to make the game what they want it to be?

Thank you for nailing down the one thing that really bothered me. I didn't even know what was bugging me about Sonic until you said it.

Fair enough! :)

Do you have literally no interest in discovering new music? If this manages to cover the "EVERYTHING" bases of Spotify and Google and the "check this out" bases of Pandora and iTunes Radio, I see that as pretty significant, especially if the "check this out" aspect is massively improved, and the article says it is.

So let me get this straight...

As much as I genuinely, deeply loathe their headphones (and what they've done to the perception of "good headphones"), I have to try this out. The names on board are too significant to ignore and your review has assuaged my doubts. I'm in.

So you'd forgo a superior experience for the sake of two dollars a month?

It's infuriating enough that this happened during a hearing that he pushed for, but the fact that he just jokes it off is despicable. "I was wasting your tax dollars while we were figuring out how to best go about invading a country! lol"

It was an overreaction then and it's unbelievable that this is still a problem. "Raped to sleep by dickwolves" is absurd enough to be funny and it's not the most offensive thing they've ever said. This is ridiculous.

This is AMAZING. I wish I had the patience to get that far. I always ended up getting frustrated and killing everyone. :/

As you can see, JoJo's All Star Battle is not a typical fighting game, even by Japanese standards. Iggy is a DLC character, and he has some quite unusual techniques. And believe me, there's a reason I chose not to post the GIF version.

Well, Barry Steakfries has been in twin-stick shooters, jetpack joyride, and his own endless runner. I think it's more of a "diversification" thing than a "future of the IP" thing.

Should have known better than to start with a Bethesda game that's not even primed for that configuration yet. :/

That was hands-down the most civilized reply I've ever gotten on here. +1 internet to you, sir!

Dude, totally. No gamer I've ever known has gotten immersed in a Zelda game. The fantasy element COMPLETELY destroys any atmosphere that was created, never mind the fact that you're looking AT Link the whole time instead of through his eyes.