
I think you're confusing "fragmentation" with "obsolescence."

There are no words. That's far too young to go. R.I.P.

Who was picking out these movies for them? Kids can pick what they want to watch but the parents decide whether or not they watch them.

The ONLY thing that this reminds me of is that shitty shitty shit shit movie Suicide Club, which infuriated me for being ambiguous about its intentions to the extent of arguably doing what this woman is protesting. I can't think of any anime off of the top of my head. I'd really like to know what she's referring to

Sounds like what Kodak is doing now that it's gone bankrupt. It'll be interesting to see how far this goes.

If it makes you feel any better, I have big ol' man-fingers and I vastly prefer the precision of iOS controls with Cave games over the traditional joystick. And yes, I'm saying this as a huge fan of the arcade cabinets. While other people were complaining about the influx of retro titles on XBLA back when it first

That's kind of funny to hear considering that Bug Princess is the clunkiest-controlling game out of the Cave iOS offerings. If you're into SHMUPs, take your pick of what they've got on the app store and have at it. The controls are as close to perfection as you can get on a 3.7-inch screen.

SHMUPs control far, far better with touch than with a joystick. I paid a stupid amount of money for Espgaluda 2 for my 360 only to find that I vastly preferred the core gameplay of the iOS version. :(

I just want them to be universal. I bought Espgaluda 2 the moment I heard it was on the iPhone and now the iPad one finally came out a couple of months ago for fifteen bucks or something. =/

Now playing

That was better than the original Duke Nukem Trilogy trailer only in how short it was.

I have a problem with how many of those are pronouns. I agree with you on this wholeheartedly. It's half the reason I stopped playing WWF.

For how little I care about Minecraft personally, I still have a boatload of respect for this guy. This article made it multiple boatloads. I would do terrible things to see this happen.

I want this on a shirt so badly. o_o

Yeah... This is just tasteless to the point of it being not cool. Real people have died.

I've played a bunch of SHMUPs on the iPhone in a variety of prices and I have to say that when it comes down to it, there are a couple of decent low-priced ones, but the cream of the crop is still the Cave shooters. They're all over five bucks and all well worth it. Espgaluda 2 and DonDonPachi Resurrection were both

Does this mean a potential return of the "liked/hated" system for some reviewers? Because that system was fantastic.

Most things we listen to music on have EQ settings that can be adjusted to get this kind of boom out of headphones that just don't have that baked into them. This offers a choice.

- "it does give your music a slight metallic shimmer"

I've heard way too many of these stories. The meat industry is pretty horrifying in a widely publicized way, and I really don't understand how someone hasn't stopped things like this through thorough audits.

I kind of like those better. Thanks for the link!