Thank you, sir, for providing proof that it's not just Kotick who, for some reason, seems to think that "making more money = better company/game series" instead of trying to make good games for the sake of good games.
Thank you, sir, for providing proof that it's not just Kotick who, for some reason, seems to think that "making more money = better company/game series" instead of trying to make good games for the sake of good games.
CoE is a rail shooter from the creator of Rez, one of the only non-Panzer Dragoon rail shooters ever created that people still remember, with lush visual and musical style. There was a time when people were shelling out over a hundred bucks for a PS2 copy of Rez, but it's now available via XBLA for only ten bucks.
Some would call her hot. Some would also call the girls by the pool hot.
I would love to think that this incident has actually taught Sony some kind of genuine lesson, but I'll have faith in Sony again when I see something worth having faith in. Too many years of lies and bullshit.
"Never give up, never surrender."
I'd just like to point out the awesome badassery of the man in the title frame of the video. I've had this photo since the 2009 protests and still feel that it's one of the most badass protestors I've ever seen.
Ugh, just seeing that hack sitting there and thinking of all of the money he's sucked out of generations with his schlock makes me angry.
This looks like someone did some really great modifications to a Win7 box. No power cable?
Man, my list is weird.
Apparently, a strike on perverts is a strike on EVERYTHIIIIIING
Oh no. Let's hope they don't figure out how to use NES cartridges and find the ET dump.
I'm sorry. I think about grammar when I type. I read a few books when I was growing up. I have standards. I type in complete sentences, even when texting. Shitty spelling and grammar bug me to no end, even on Twitter.
Everything needs to be dubbed like this. Everything. Especially news broadcasts.
So, ah... After giving the franchise the awesome Shift and Hot Pursuit entries from other studios, they're placing it back in the hands of the people who drove it straight into the ground? Urgh.
I just want to see car tuning come back. It was around for the original Hot Pursuit way back when.
It's kind of funny that even before I got to the end of the article, I was thinking of replacing my other cards while I was at it.
If I hadn't RTFA, I wouldn't have seen the quote, now would I? That style of spelling reeks of "raised on texting and AIM," not "I had to make space!"
Hey spelling makes me want to stab her more than the renaming.