
To the Sony fanboy who, for some odd reason, decided last week that Xbox Live has had worse issues in the past because it was down for TWO weeks once, I'd like to take this opportunity to say: HA.


It would be much cooler if we could actually see the different things going on in the machine. >_>

PART of Anon says they didn't do it. You forget, Anon is massive, and not always a hive-mind.

All of us? What about us non-hackers reading the comments?! O_O

Hit the "Sign In" button as you normally would. It should give you an error about being signed out of the PSN because of an "unknown error," but you should be able to use Netflix after exiting the error. It's been working fine for me this way.

I understand that, but the fact of the matter is that I couldn't play my disc-based games because they couldn't connect to PSN.


VMU much?

You really need to get better at trolling. The point is to have an opinion that's believably but infuriatingly stupid, not just "what the hell are you talking about" stupid.

I... but... what?

+1 internets!

Good God. That's far too adorable.

To be fair to Sony, the PSN shutting down shouldn't shut down single-player, disc-based gaming, either, which it did last March.

Actually, Nintendo got the best Sonic game of the past decade, being Sonic Colors. I'm making a reference to the commercials that Sega used to run in the 90s, which is funny because this is a throwback to that generation and Nintendo isn't getting it.

A deep appreciation for games as a medium beyond "fun." A big fan of gaming has to appreciate the breadth of emotions that developers have attempted to fit into their products. Maybe it's being overly sensitive to certain things, but the climactic scene in CoD4:MW first act and its first-person portrayal of the

They got bought by Sammy and "restructured." =(


Holy crap! It all makes sense now. His addiction to action figure capsules is probably what's keeping him from reaching his goal.

How's that rosy world-view working out for you?