
No, he gets cast and then as part of it, becomes a producer. It’s what happened wit Maggie too.

You’re nuts. Franco is very good, and Maggie is absolutely fantastic in this show.

Now we shall cancel him!

McKamey seems like a creepy asshole but at the same time, people sign up for this and wait for YEARS to do it. So, who’s at fault here? Would I do this? Hell no, but I wouldn’t jump out of an airplane either.

Oh and also, pretty much made all articles about whiny subjects and opinions no matter what it is. Yep, you’re an asshole!

Boy, life punched you in the balls huh?

Looks like Sam’s doing a bang-up job policing the comments. How dare people have thoughts that Sam doesn’t care for?

YAY let’s enjoy CORPORATE MEDIA which lies to us and lets BILLIONAIRES make money and not be accountable. Lordy, let’s funnel more cash to Di$ney so they can make more movies where they take a brown man and make him wear a helmet the whole TIIMME!

You actually fucking answered?

I guess but you could also make a lot of money and make GOOD movies.

Yeah he squanders it on crap. The few times he’s made a movie with a real director and tried something, he’s been interesting.

Yeah but don’t forget, this is AV Club, where nuances are stupid and people talk like they’re on Twitter and think highly of themselves for doing so. This place really fucking blows now.

Did you touch yourself when he got beat to death? Did you cheer with bloodlust and lick your lips in hunger for violence?

No fuck YOU, you piece of shit. Nobody cares about how pleased with yourself you are.

The intention was to basically portray know we SHOULD enjoy watching a Nazi get his brains bashed in cause he’s a Nazi. But at the same time, the guy has this certain sense of honor, and the good guys sure are having a great time watching him get bashed, and it’s brutal as hell. And that makes the

So do you feel better now? Yay, you were self-righteous on the internet, you won a big victory today.

Yeah, Phillips is shit comedy and always has been. And nothing offends me if it’s funny. But he sucks.

Yes but remember he dared to cast black people in roles so now we need to do think pieces on that.

Looks like someone’s happy to get to write out “fag.” Nice.

He could have just not cast black people in supporting roles and then you could complain about him making a lily-white movie and why can’t black people ever get cast in roles that aren’t specifically about being black?