
WRONG. I know small time actors who do mall roles and get residuals. It’s a union thing.

Seriously, all of tha shit is Quentin’s style which he has flaunted his entire career.

He explicitly says that all the fucking time and the book makes it clear too! Is Cliff imagining what Lee is thinking too? Jesus hero worshipping nerd grow the FUCK up.

Or that people keep fucking asking him. He never brings it up.

Grow the fuck up. Facist podcast, Jesus AVClub has gone mental.

You know who makes that argument? Nerds who can’t accept that Tarantino meant that shit. And the book makes it doubly clear. This narrative is as idiiotic as the one where the end of Taxi Driver is all in Bickle’s head, because if nerds hate something, they have to fix it!

Also it’s a flashback, not a story told by

With this show it doesn’t matter, all it ever wants to do is quickly get into gory deaths, as many as possible, and nilism. Everything sucks and isn’t it funny to see cartoon characters get their brains blown out, especially if they’re kids?

Actually the number of episodes was always consistent. Look at interviews they gave way in the beginning, they said they mapped out the show already and would say the number of episodes they planned to do. They were right on target in the end.

Humiliation kink? Whatever, Freud. That’s silly, what do you know? It’s not like people have different views on things. They’re both conservatives, but she’s going for Trump and that’s the problem...they had the SAME political affiliation. You’re silly.

It’s a good list. Maybe 4 would be in MY top 10 but a good case can be made for all of them.

Oh shut the fuck up. He’s also talked about great horror movies I’m sure you could agree to. Also Scorsese made fucking Cape Fear so suck it.

True but there’s working a regular job, then there’s being the lead of a show where you’re doing action all the time at long hours all at night constantly. Nerves get frayed.

Doubt it.

Those teens today, eh? With their rock and roll and dancing and such!

I think cutting the framing narrative would make this movie not work though. If you simply watch it none of the stuff you see is going to really make sense. And then you’d be watching it as a regular movie and not a movie within a movie, and I think you’d like it even less.

I went to her school (Fairfax) and talked to her from time to time, she totally was.

Fucking bore. And I hate right wingers. 

It was, and now it’s not which is why Marvel gives us three of them a year and now tv shows.

Jesus are you a whiny little bitch.

Soo much later...but I remember people thinking Boon was going to kill Raylan, which means they have no idea how this show works. Seriously what a dumb thought.