Don’t worry...there will always and forever be deluded people with money to burn.
Don’t worry...there will always and forever be deluded people with money to burn.
“Women in general.” You seem stupid.
Yeah, I bet Hobo is a super liberal but never actually had to go through what people have. Ever been beaten and/or molested by a family member every day? Maybe you’re not a piece of shit for thinking that person is a scumbag.
It’s the only shoes she had. Try running through the woods in bare feet. Not as easy as it is in fucking Tarzan movies,
Yes, NO high powered women ever have family or assistants watch their children for them. Never happens, ever. And a woman getting killed by a dinosaur in a Jurassic Park movie? Clearly the director doesn’t understand women, that’s crazy!
Oh please, Sam Jackson does a thousand movies a year, and some of them are very small he also gets small parts in huge blockbusters. Eddie did that shit being the lead in pretty much everything, and they were comedies, so making that much bank is a lot harder.
Life is so hard for you isn’t it honey.
Fucking SNORE on you
I loved Troy.
“Bullying.” Jesus Christ.
That’s ridiculous.
You’re going to talk about Kurosawa that old hack, making ANOTHER samurai movie???
You needs ta get on that, son.
Of course he never said pop culture isn’t art.
Over 30 years. Marvel has told the same story with the same basic tone for what, 22 movies or more in 10 years?
I think TLJ did. Like Snoke...people wanted his backstory as if it really matter. Nope, Kylo takes him out thus making HIM the boss, that’s advancing the ball. Luke taught Rey, ball advanced. Finn has now straight up joined the Reisistance which he hadn’t before.
JJ is just a hack. How does he not know the basic story he’s telling?
People would shit ALL OVER Empire.
YEP. Han went out like a sucker, and Luke died in one of the best scenes of the entire saga. Him standing alone against the walkers? Awesome.
Yeah the funny thing people are whining that the heroes weren’t WINNERS in this ep...but in Empire everyone got their ass kicked but Vader.