
It’s not complictaed, but Delpy was a nobody so she got a nobody salary, and Hawke was a star an still probably took a pay cut to do that flick.

Yeah, pay disparity on Before Sunrise...non story, who cares, no one knew who Delpy was and Hawke was a star. But pay disparity on X-Files? That’s clearly ridiculous. Those roles are 100% equal and neither one of them was anything until that show. 

Yep, and who knew who Julie Delpy was in the mid 90s?

Absolutely agreed.

Nice to know that in this world fat shaming still exists.

I guess this is going to be Hughes’ new career, being Internet Scold. Wherever would be be without entitled white men online to tell everyone how to behave? It actually may with this this SNL dude cause he seems unfunny and no one knows who he is. But I bet Hughes spent many nights crying in his crusty bathrobe

Remember how the internet scolds clutched their pearls about Dave Chappelle and then it turned out that generally no one in the real world gives a fuck?

I love it when people complain about movies that are manipulative. You mean like, every single one of them because that’s their point?

You say “and” as if you’re getting him in a gotcha. That’s basically what he was saying, genius.

If the lead ewasn’t white would you have a better feeling about it? Just because assholes voted for Trump, doesn’t mean you have to change your life. 

Yeah but look at how many guys on movie message boards DO have lists of tastes they have for women. If she doesn’t love THIS, she’d be out!

That WHITE PEOPLE are giving him! That’s how they are, man! They know they can try to control the black man like this.

This is DEF white people’s fault, if they weren’t giving Jay-Z money than he wouldn’t be sellout the people out! Whitey AGAIN!

Why are people not upset that we see THREE murderers killed instead of doing a horrible crime? That’s not what happened in real life!!!!

I think Moh was really spot on. If you don’t see that you’re just lying to yourself cause you hate the scene. Like it or not, that was a really good impression.

Supposedly he did spar with Lee, and yes, threw him around the room.

I bet nothing will ever make you happy.

Yeah but a lot of the movie is sort of like that. You could easily cut half of the movie out if you only care about the story. It’s not that kind of flick.

We got the narration cause all of the stuff that happened in the narration would have taken forever to show, just blow by that stuff, who cares. Thinking that including Tate is weird is sort of dumb seeing as she’s part of the entire story Tarantino is telling.

This is why if I were a white director I’d never cast any minorities in anything, cause if they’re not a perfect character you get a bunch of shit...usually from other whities on the internet. Are you white, Gosh? I bet you are!