
Maybe she could have gone to the states she narrowly lost and actually campagined there.

The real problem is there’s always 24 hours of news, but they just want to talk about politics and not policies, and whatever is most gossipy.

Oh sweetie, you’re so woke.


Well that sure is a lot of fucking WHITE directors you named, racist.

I think a Mexican director really would have brought out something special with Truth or Dare 2.

I like it when a black director or female director hate getting called black directors or female directors, and want to just be called “directors.” And then you have people like Katie who insist the other way around.

They would though.

Do you actually think they DID say “hey let’s pay the dumb woman less money, she won’t even know cause she’s a woman!”

I guess...but saying she was the named character so she should get the same isn’t real reasoning. Remember when Jack Nicholson got top billing and like 50 million to play the Joker over Michael Keaton, who was playing Batman in...Batman? 

The character of Ash from Army of Darkness sucks. True Ash is Evil Dead 2. Army is wanking off bullshit.

Jesus Christ, this kinja board SUCKS. Get something that isn’t garbage.

If you think the movie makes him out to be a misunderstood genius you must be high. He’s clearly portrayed as untalented, unreasonable and clueless. Seth Rogen is clearly the voice of reason in the movie. Also, Tommy is shown to be an asshole who treates people like shit. The water scene, the yelling at the actress,

If you think the movie makes him out to be a misunderstood genius you must be high. He’s clearly portrayed as untalented, unreasonable and clueless. Seth Rogen is clearly the voice of reason in the movie. Also, Tommy is shown to be an asshole who treates people like shit. The water scene, the yelling at the actress,

That kid should have been all like “dad you dumbfuck, fix this shit, and then shove it up your ass!”

Exactly. If some white person threw water on a black woman everyone here would freak the fuck out, rightly so. But because it’s someone who’s ideas they don’t like had it happen, it’s awesome. Pretty gross.

Maybe next time they could get stabbed.

It’s the internet, everyone’s gotta complain about something stupid.

That’s right, if you feel it, and it works for you, then screw everyone else. They’re not walking in your shoes, who are they to say what’s right and wrong for you?

I was on a Donald Trump forum, and they also agreed that race mixing is really bad.