
Hey, the KKK would totally agree with not race mixing. You’re in good company!

Thinking the exact same thing...she’s electric on both of those movies. Strange Days is WAY better than it seemed like it should be. Between Bassett being an ass-kicker and Fiennes being a weirdo sleazy loser, it’s a great pairing and a great movie.

Yeah, Newton is basically a whitey, just not Black Enough.

I love how Newton is being called out for not being black enough. Power to the people, The Root!

Yeah, I’m sure if some black people had water thrown on them you’d say it wasn’t violence. What a good person you are!

You forget what Fangoria covered back in the day. They usually covered one or two bigger movies, but mostly it was direct to video garbage, horrible movies that no one cared about. Things haven’t changed that much. I always liked the articles about weirder horror or the ones that would have an interview with horror

Cunt? Hate women much?

This will teach Hollywood to cast POC in movies...cause if you do that, then the character becomes the subject of a thousand think pieces on the internet. Safer to cast two white people...if you had a white woman kidnap a white man there wouldn’t really be any problems. Pay attention from now on, cast

It’s true, the worst show that could be made is one starring two white middle aged men. I don’t know how the reviewers even sat through this racist garbage.

Oh boy, a white writer talking about a movie starring a punch of white people...AFTER Marvel killed its POC hero? No thanks AV Club, you might as well act like slavery was a choice.

One note can be annoying...unless you like the one note. Jackie Chan and David Lynch are doing fine.

So would this article be FemaleBlacksplaining?

She's typical of female conservatives, who get stuck between a rock and a hard place. They'll defend all the conservative talking points, until someone says something explicitly about women. And a lot of he conservatives hace a 1950s view on women, so it's always fun to see that clash.