Teenage Beyonce was dreadful, but who wasn't?
Teenage Beyonce was dreadful, but who wasn't?
I remember being in college, in the dressing room between acts of a show. Two of the (very thin and chic) makeup artists came in and the tail end of their conversation was - "Ugh, she's so stupid and fat" "Yeah, cause she's like ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY POUNDS LIKE SERIOUSLY LOSE SOME WEIGHT GAWD."
Thank you, that does help.
Yup. When I was going to (free) therapy a couple of years ago, the therapist told me I very likely had inattentive type ADD, I had never even considered it, I thought I was just a flake.
My dog will pee pretty much anywhere but the fucking planets have to be aligned a certain way before she will shit.
You are not alone.
Well, you know, ALL black women, athletes or no, are favored with mulish strength and a backbone of brick, whereas our white counterparts are made mostly of delicate flowers and fluttering hair.
He totally did. The movie is just obscure enough no one would ever guess.
That is literally the exact plot of the Sean Connery/Blair Underwood movie Just Cause.
I only got it once but I was stoned out of my mind so I considered it a double victory.
I got a perfect verbal score on my SATs and I can't pay my rent, Scarlett, so maybe don't beat yaself up too bad.
Honestly he really is kind of gross looking. There are guys rocking that greasy gas station aesthetic much better than he is and they're not even famous.
Dear God how did I miss the line that said he was John Landis' son?!?!
That fact that this fool thinks he is "kind of good-looking" is sending me into hysterics.
Did this poor child have to act out his TV death less than a month after his real death?
You're never going to convince me, Amy.
I've seen both and there is no way Amy Adam's delicate bone structure and conventionally attractive face ever looks plain.