
To be fair; it makes more sense than all of the Trump bashing articles on a gadget/tech site. Go back to your safe space.

Thank you for your feedback. Hopefully at least one of the comics made you giggle!


People still care about play of the game? Come on.

And they should get over it because it’s a skin in a video game.

as someone who first played dark souls completely offline cause games for windows sucks, I can honestly say that it’s like 5 times harder without summons or warning messages. experience players will be okay, but new ones will have a harder time enjoying themselves. Let’s hope they are not actually killing the servers.

Is this your resignation letter to us?

Not if you put the proper amount of food on the plate to begin with.

To be clear, the people who already have the game are still able to play. This is no different than a game being pulled off of store shelves.

cocky little fuck, aint he

Other downside—not iOS. Which is something some people like?

Read my previous comment. You’re not worth repeating it to.

Maybe PewDiePie should review his own shit game that was worse.

I ended up giving in and buying this game on a whim last night, even when I shouldn’t be spending money on games with the backlog I have.

I was interested in the concept, since I like Animal Crossing and simulation games, but... you know what made me give in? The graphics. That pixel art is so beautiful and reminiscent

I bet that joke was a hit at lunch during school. Sorry, doesn’t work here. There’s more adults here with knowledge of Operating Systems.

While I sympathize with your love of the unknown — I love surprises too! — this is a news outlet, and we don’t believe that reporting on news requires a spoiler warning. Sorry.

Consider it the Dark Souls of Mario games. Not everybody wants to bash their heads against a spike-laden wall of death, but there’s going to be shit like this for those kind of people.

I always pressed A during the third sway. Don't know why, just always have.