
lol you feel like a big man?

What have you done, Brian.
What have you done.

People like you, who are heavy due to large muscle mass, are outliers. I'd imagine most people who are considered obese in these studies are obese because of their love of pound cake, rather then dem gains. For an individual BMI may be inaccurate, but once you scale it up for a nation it tends to be good at pointing

Let's not get into debates over the merits of glitches in speedrunning. Whether you are or are not a fan of speedrunners who take advantage of exploits and bugs to finish games, you cannot deny that this — like most of the runs in AGDQ so far — is an impressive, skillful, meticulous piece of work that deserves to be

Welp. Fat people all over the place will be sitting down at restaurants contemplating whether or not to take that last bite. They'll exclaim "Gizmodo said fat is good!" and mash their fork in their still stuffed face, wheezing and sweaty as the restaurant staff looks on in horror.

Not pictured: Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, as it is currently busy using the galaxy as its footstool -

tears of fanboys of anything are always delicious.


Very sound reasoning.... I can't see Apple ever granting your wishes though :(

The problem isn't who comes first, it's execution and marketing.

My all-time favorite: Sennheiser HD-25-1 ii. I dare you to find someone who doesn't love them.

My all-time favorite: Sennheiser HD-25-1 ii. I dare you to find someone who doesn't love them.

Why spotlight terrible artwork?

Well technically we would be helping him grow his small business so he can keep earning a living. I thought it was a cool idea~

How can we send this guy consoles to help him and other refugees? With all the collectors we have, people can easy help this guy out and spread some video games over to Uganda.

Had to scroll WAY too far for the Archer joke.

"An Interactive medium" - Pretentious. It's a bit of card with ink on it. The same technique can be seen in many things, most notably, the Euro notes.

Glad to see Gengar at #1. He has been my favorite since the first moment I saw him in the first episode go against Bruno and his Onyx. Pic isn't what I wanted to use but it is still pretty cool.