
A Zelda one is sold here in Europe for about $270 and regular ones for $250. I'd be willing to do all kinds of weird stuff to get a deal like Target is offering.
At $150 it's practically a steal for a system with so many radical games!

Oh and I got the Zelda one recently since that's the cheapest way to get a 3DS.

I play quite a bit of Starcraft too... alright, I'll go get it ^_^

Soooo should I still buy this oooor... ?

mfw "the power of wind" :3

Too small for any actual testing

Because he destroyed the world. And then created it anew.
Also none of the previous Lelouch posters bothered with any images.
All hail Britannia! All hail Lelouch!

"Nokia did it first!"
And yeah it took 5 years but I finally got to use it somewhere! :3

The first choice I had to make about a nick was when I was about 12 years old. That's when WoW asked me THE question. I picked Def8er because at that time nicknames like this were really hip and Def8er made no sense to anyone expect for me (defeater! obvious innnit?!). Anyway it's a nick nobody uses and I can stick

If there ever was a game back then that looked and worked like this, please, point me to it.

I am really happy he replied to you guys and let us know that he's still hard at work. Hopefully this will quell the backlashing minority of the CubeWorld community.

Too soon...

Nintendo, are you watching, 2DS TV, bring it.

Not what I expected.

Another thing to note is that he got cheesed 3 out of 4 games... Really uncool, Maru.

How about sales on other sites such as the Brazilian Nuuvem?

You can just hold your LMB to cast your primary attack i.e. attack continuously ,)

North Korea now shifted from nuclear bombs to breeding Clickers?

All hail indeed.