MtrRider Just Wants Doritos

Still a lot of money. I'm definitely not saying it's cheap. But it would be a relatively good value for a car like that. Having a mid-engine CF monocoque tub car is a dream of mine. I wouldn't care if my car was the slowest and cheapest one. It would still be fun. A used Carrera GT is never going to happen, they're

Lol I dunno why I had a typo. I didn't mean to say $140K. I meant to say $100K.

Need a 4 door Jeep that's easy to put a lift on?

I didn't say anything about the SLS. In fact Clarkson himself has criticized the SLS for the reasons you've mentioned.

Even if you got caught, chances are the ticket would be worth not sitting all day/night in traffic.

Only if you get caught. I'd guess that particular boss had other priorities at the time, tho :)

Dear world, you know whats great about America?

American and European purists can fight all they want. The people who really win are car lovers, all of these cars are excellent and I would be hard pressed to pick one out of the lot since I like them all for different reasons.

You're always told to not judge someone by how they look. They might look anonymous, but they might also be caring, hilarious, or just plain fun when you talk to them. The 2015 Subaru WRX is Droopy Dog from the outside, but Usain Bolt and Jerry Seinfeld under the skin. This is a car you have to know.

I echo that question/thought.

Not pictured: the Challenger depressingly and symbolically ramming full speed into a snowplow stationed down the road.

If I were to give a piece of advise to Ford, it would be "Don't Fear the Reaper."

I actually whipped up this concept in photoshop a while ago, to see how lincoln's new styling (which i personally like) could work on a car like the ciel. Keep in mind this is just a 30 minute sketch thats super rough, but I like it. I can almost see it cruising along the coast with a 5.0 burbling away under the hood.

I gots more canards than Burt Rutan, pissed off stance, Lieutenant Dan, I run with Forrest—in dem Wald—down the Nordscleife; our clients? Bald. Don't fock wit Vette, still gets em wet, give a bitch the vapors like Butler, Rhett. Downforce we brings, retract the wing, oh what a feeling, we're driving on the ceiling,

Hello, Ian! Big fan. So, why did you tell your wonderful designer Wayne to not give feedback on my inane ideas? He was great at it, and everyone loved it!

Being lighter, they could use the 3.5L with little to no performance loss while getting a little upgrade MPG wise?

This place does celery flavor. Close enough?

Oh, I'm sorry, was Sir looking for restraint? I believe we have your car right over here.

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except it didn't use anything futuristic to achieve those goals. all it did was take existing technology, made everything bigger (more cylinders, more weight, more turbos, more MOAR). That's it. if you're talking about engineering feats, higher HP/L had been achieved before the veyron came out. Stronger components