
I really liked it. It was great silly fun, and it managed to find some very solid middle ground between new tricks (Doody playing These Magic Changes through Danny’s athletics sequence and Marty’s quick-change USO performance) and giving the audience (and probably the network execs) a lot of the warm, familiar stuff

Great recap! My boyfriend thought they were saying, “Give me a hand job, baby” during “Hand Jive” and that’s how it will forever stay in my mind. That number had amazing choreography though I was a little let down by Cha Cha.

The best: Vanessa Hudgens embodying what it is to be a live performer and doing everything she could to make the show go on. I could write a multi tiered essay extoling her grace last night, but I'll keep it simple: I believe she not only made her father proud, but also everyone who has ever had to suffer a loss and

Oh you caught me! My feminazi, misandrist agenda has been exposed!

I really appreciate that she delivers the last line right to his penis.

My 12 year old said earlier: “The thing is anyone crazy enough to vote for Donald Trump is crazy enough to still vote for him if he shoots someone. They’d probably actually like him more.”

Why do you think we haven’t had a woman as president yet?” First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton asked her guest over their lunch at the White House in 1995.

Hollywood is a fucked up place when it comes to diversity. How creative people can have this huge blindspot amazes me.

Lincoln Chafee (miss u!) is one of the small hobbit children delighted by the fireworks at Bilbo’s birthday party, correct?

Following the 2008 primaries, I think Hillary is more likely Gandalf the White. She fell, it looked like she was dead (politically), she came back shinier and newer, a little less trusting and a bit more likely to snap at you. Also, no fucks left to give.

I’ve always called mine the EGG —- yep, a EGG. I’ve cracked it a few times (once walked away from a job situation when folks showed themselves to be unnecessarily dangerous in a high-stakes environment), but I’d put in back and just “sit on it”.

This is good advice, however there’s something even more obvious that I think a lot of women overlook. If you get married, or have a joint account, always make sure that some of the bills that you are paying stay in your name. When my Mum got married 34 years ago, everything (mortgage, credit cards, electricity etc.)

Jimminy Sugar-Coated Christmas Cookies

It says right there on the container, do not use as infant formula!

Does Spain somehow have more evil almond milk producers than the USA or something?

I didn't just laugh out loud reading this I actually cackled. Ha!

I wish we had IDGAF Obama for all 8 years of his presidency, but I’ll take what I can get.

NBC commentators said that Paul Ryan had to “practice his poker face” for tonight. I already want to smack that weird little grin/grimace combo off his face...

I’ll be real, I never voted for the guy and I disagree with a lot of his foreign/economic policies... but I seriously fear what’s going to happen if any of the GOP candidates get elected. The hard right moral majority shit is scary as hell.

Let’s frame that as what it really is: an incredibly sad day that I’ve been trying to pretend won’t happen. The last time we’ll get to watch Uncle Joe Biden make funny faces and exited expressions from one of the highest offices in the US, all on TV.