
He’s the British Seth MacFarlane, or Seth MacFarlane is the American him. Whichever way, it’s not a compliment to either of them.

She said Bowie was “a right stud” who “could poke a hole in the wall.”

I’ve seen people tearing the father to shreds for leaving when commanded (by gun). I know that it’s a tragically difficult scenario to imagine, and people’s instincts are to stay with their children no matter what, but who knows what would’ve happened if he stood his ground? At least this way he was able to leave and

Yes. Upsetting stuffy ass presidents of the Hollywood foreign press is doing the lord’s work but insulting trans people or women because they’re fat or unfuckable is less commendable. He’s 50/50 for me. When he punches up it is THE BEST. I really don’t get the hate for this bit with Gibson. He was clearly going for

“What if I got my puppy from a breeder in Canada?” A small child asked in the crowd.

Are people really angrier then during late 60s through Nixon’s resignation. I recall as a child the anger people felt during Watergate. Granted today seems worse due to 24/7 news and the internet. Also republican money makers discovered in the 90s that stoking anger was a huge money maker. Look at those who profited

“It’s gonna be a real J.Lo year, whether you like it or not!”

Really? No one else?

“...Allowing different surnames risks destroying social stability, the maintenance of public order and the basis for social welfare.”

But once again a woman is having to answer for the actions of a man.

God, just imagine how low the cognitive baseline must be for Ben Roethlisberger. I imagine the test involves one of these:

It’s known as “The Vatican Plan.”

The Southern Poverty Law Center considers any wedding party of over 8 people a hate group.

I don’t know what’s stupider, that these people exist, or that they use Pinterest to spread their nonsense.


Job 5:31: and lo the Lord didst punish Job by forcing him to drink only the coffee left in the Starbucks at 9:00PM, and wouldst not allow him to have a fresh cup.

Oh man. He came in to a coffee shop where I worked one morning at like 6:00 or some stupid hour when no one uses words yet. I had two co-workers with me, one of whom, James, was an aspiring actor. Otherdude and I got Mr. Glover’s coffee or whatever, and served it with as few sylables as possible ignoring the fact that

Is Back to Black really the best choice for a 15 year old? Like... I feel like that is a song that should be sung by someone who has seen some shit, ya know?

A map of Rhode Island annotated with a bunch of arrows and “STILL NO EVIDENCE OF IT BEING AN ISLAND” scribbled on the side