I've gotten into couponing recently. I don't many of the food products that you can find coupons for, but I've saved quite a bit of money on bath, beauty and cleaning products.
I've gotten into couponing recently. I don't many of the food products that you can find coupons for, but I've saved quite a bit of money on bath, beauty and cleaning products.
This can't be real . . . I mean, no one can be this perfect. As much as I love him, I'm beginning to think Ryan "Hey Girl" Gosling is a cylon.
Well, that's not AT ALL suspicious.
Oh I could concentrate on Alcide all day long!
"Also, I want to marry Alexander Skarsgaard's ass. Just his ass. Possible?"
Things would make a lot more sense if Hoyt's house is her old house . . . though it still wouldn't explain the connection to Arlene's baby.
Amnesia Eric and his tender love-making are so lame that I'm actually starting to miss Bill and Sookie. My favorite scene was when Bill threw the screaming witch aside with a look of total disgust.
First day jitters are the worst! Good luck and give things some time before you make up your mind about the new department.
Hmm, I didn't know that.
Hahaha, maybe if it was black and white.
He featured heavily on my dorm room walls back in the day. I kind of wish it was acceptable to plaster good looking men on your walls as a grown-up.
So, I was looking a the imdb page for The Help and came across this piece of Trivia:
"But I can't help thinking, this is how the designers see women - inferior, appearance focused, and missing the best bit."
Good point!
He's our little lost lamb, we need to look out for him!
Oy, the chafing!
I think I caught a glimpse of Eric and Sookie in the shower during next week's promo, so I'm still holding out hope.
Your eyes do not deceive!
I fully support that choice! Well done!
Religion never fails to amaze me.