
I guess we know what the choir will be singing at Michael Flatley's funeral!

Wait, are you saying "Lord of the Dance" is a real hymn?!

Get yours, Emma!



Thanks and backatcha!

Thanks! I'm off to add this to my resume.

Thanks for the nom! This has totally made my day!

I forgot about that. Now I feel bad for yelling at Sookie to just rescind Bill's invitation and stop being such an idiot.

It's not just you!

Thanks! :)

It was just a matter of time before airlines started to charge extra for emotional baggage.

I think he's supposed to come back towards the end of this season!

This makes me so so sad because I've always loved Tim Gunn. Watching Project Runway just won't be the same anymore.

Holy inappropriateness, Batman!

A co-worker guilted me into giving one of my toys to his daughter because she had the same one and it broke. But I played with it for a few days first . . . It was a little ball that popped out into a doll.

My dog begs for french fries. Whenever I give her one, she gives it a half-hearted lick and pushes it aside. Then she gets a 5 minute lecture about wasting a delicious french fry that could have been in MY belly.

Hearted back because I love the fact that you think people will judge you less for buying a Happy Meal for your dog!

This image is going to haunt my dreams. So thanks for that.

As someone who frequently orders Happy Meals (what? portion control AND a toy!), I am deeply saddened by this new policy. Now I'm going to have to order a cheeseburger and small fry like an adult. An adult without a toy.